How to get out of your comfort zone as an artist 

If you are an artist feeling stuck or like you are not progressing in your art journey, you might be looking for some advice or someone to tell you how to get out of that comfort zone and experiment with new themes, surroundings, and mediums. 

Getting out of that comfort space or zone will help you improve drastically in a short time. 

Number 1 – be open to new ideas, look for new references, and help yourself study new images, new art, or pictures of real life. This will help you understand how things are and help you create and improve in your own established techniques, don’t be scared to ‘ruin’ papers or make a lot of ‘dumb’ doodles

Number 2 – let yourself explore new colors or mediums, try and use different materials you wouldn’t normally use or tools you haven’t but have wanted to use for a while. Motivate yourself,  who knows maybe you will find your new favorite thing to make art with. 

Number 3 – Take yourself on a studying journey, watch videos, or look up your favorite artist and study them, the color theory, their perspective, and the characters or objects they draw. And then try them yourself, try and be inspired by their art, try different art techniques.

Number 4 – Change your comfort perspective, stop drawing only girls in half profile view or stop only drawing wolves, allow yourself to draw different stuff and with different perspectives, try background, hands studies, try buildings, drawing men with swords, or women in pants, try drawing a falling’ perspective, there are so many options and opportunities to draw distinct art, something you wouldn’t expect yourself to draw. 

  Number 5 – STORE YOUR ART! Storing your art and reflecting on it years later will provide you with enough motivation to keep going.

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